I came, I saw, I steeked.

I took hundreds of pictures. iPhoto (which I have used happily and error-free for literally years, by the way) took one look at the roll of steeking pictures TOTALLY FREAKED OUT and crashed, hard. This is all I have left to document the steeking experience.

The very first practice seam on the very first practice steek on my swatch.


I heartily apologize for the lack of photos. The sweater is fine, I’m in the process of sewing in the sleeves and doing the seeming-hundreds of small finishing tasks on it right now. It’s really a busy little sweater pattern. I’ve pompomed, I’ve hemmed, I’ve sewn and sewn and sewn. I hope to have an FO shoot to show you tomorrow or the next day.

Steeking was an interesting experience. I would do it again, but I wouldn’t say it was fun. I actually got a little sick to my stomach, looking at the ladybug sweater before making that first cut. But sewing knitted fabric wasn’t actually all that difficult, and it’s not like the seams need to be perfectly straight, since they won’t show in the end. So I guess the recap is: Not as bad as I feared, everything came out fine, but I did have a celebratory glass (or two) of champagne once it was finished because it was pretty nerve-wracking.

I finished the peapod set (holy CUTE, Batman!), and should have an FO shoot for that, as well. Hopefully tomorrow or the next day, because Wednesday night Jacob and I hop a plane to Maine, where I will have little internet access. We’ll be back the 20th, so keep blogland warm for me while I freeze my butt off! I’m looking forward to some great knitting on this trip, though. I should get to meet my best knitting friend from nursery school for a couple of knit-dates, and I’ll be knitting up my birthday silk from last year into Seraphim. I *can’t wait* to see this gorgeous stuff knit up!

5 thoughts on “I came, I saw, I steeked.

  1. Glad to hear that the sweater is okay! Cutting knitted fabric gives me the heebiejeebies, and since I just started my first steeked project (Enid Cardigan from IK Winter 2006) it’s very much looming in my mind right now. But you give me hope! Can’t wait to see the finished piece. 🙂

  2. That’s so sad about the pictures! But at least they were pictures of knitting and not pictures of Jacob doing some cool thing for the first time. I guess I can forgive iPhoto for failing your readers. 😉

    I’m so excited that you’re coming! Do you have any plans for Sunday? There’s a knitting group at Purl Diva at, I believe, 1pm.

  3. You’re my hero. I have yet to steek.

  4. Silly iPhoto!! Too bad, I would have loved to see the steek in process! It’s scary at first but then it ends up being pretty easy. Great job!

  5. I’m afraid of steeking, but drawn to it at the same time. Can’t wait to see the finished sweater!

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