CustomFit and Rhinebeck

My Saturday Rhinebeck sweater this year comes to you courtesy of CustomFit, which is now open to everyone. (Please, come! Set up an account and if you’re going to the festival, spend your time dreaming about the yarn you love instead of worrying about what pattern you’ll use to knit…


As Seen on TV

This fall has been such a whirlwind, I feel like I haven’t really had time to pull up a chair and chat! Or even respond to the comments and questions that are coming in. Case in point: The lovely yarn shown here: From left to right: Woolen Rabbit Sporty Kashmir,…


Did someone hear crickets?

Yeah, so in retrospect whoever thought that running a retreat at the same time I’m trying to finish the CustomFit website was a good idea? Should be fired. (Oh wait, that’s me. Oops.) Well, the good news is that the website is so so so close to ready, the sweaters…


Excitedly exhausted

I’m back from TNNA, and the exhaustion of spending 72 hours madly catching up with everyone I only see once a year is warring with my excitement at all of the new projects that came out of the trip. I’m especially excited about the new sweater I debuted at the…


FAQs and a Confession.

Before I go too far in my sweater design process, I spend time on Ravelry, trying to make sure that the sweater I’m thinking about doesn’t already exist, and that the name I have chosen isn’t already well-represented in Ravelry’s database. I don’t know how it slipped my mind to…


make. wear. love. (a sweater retreat for hand knitters)

I am so. excited. to finally share this news with you. This September, on the lovely Maine coast, I’m hosting a weekend retreat focused entirely on learning everything you need to create sweaters that are absolutely perfect for you. Sweaters you love to wear. Sweaters that make you feel like…


Behind the scenes

It’s a busy week, diving back into the day job (we were on vacation last week) and finalizing a bunch of things and beginning new sweaters, culminating in a trip to a favorite non-local yarn store for classes this weekend. First, the new sweater: This is Green Mountain Spinnery’s Maine…


Trips, and blog tours, and heartbreak

This post was meant to go live yesterday, but I just couldn’t make myself hit “Publish”. Yesterday’s terrible, terrible events left me too heartsick, too helpless, and ultimately in no place to share any details about my trip to NYC or the wonderful things supporting the book. My heart and…


La Grande Pomme

I’m leaving today for a fabulous weekend in the Big Apple, full of lectures and book signings and classes and amazing food. Won’t you join me at one of the events? Tonight, April 11, Lion Brand Yarn Studio. Lecture, sample show, and book signing. 6-8pm, and sign up for this…


Book release parties – and more giveaways!

First things first: Click on through and read to the end for a completely fabulous set of giveaways to make the book’s release even more festive! And now: The Knit to Flatter release party here in Boston was so much fun, at least for me! It looked like everyone else…
