Deep Winter Travels

I always forget how much back-to-back extended travel weekends trash my productivity in other areas. Email, blog, laundry, the code… all of it falls by the wayside when I’m gone 10 days in a row. But our travels to TNNA were great (did you see Lauren’s video of me seeing…


Make, Wear, Love: Online Sweater Class (spring session)

In conjunction with the Deep Winter KAL, I’ll be running another session of my make, wear, love online sweater class: I so enjoyed the first two sessions, and I’m thrilled to offer this course again. You can read a bunch more detail on this page – here are the basics:…


Year of Sweaters: Deep Winter KAL

Happy New Year, everyone, and welcome to 2015! Congratulations, if appropriate, for making it through the knitter’s toughest season of the year. Gifts have been given (and a week of mopping up “loose ends” completed), to-do-lists have been placed aside for the next holiday season, and your needles are your…


Finishing & Advanced CustomFit online seminars

Hello good knitters! Lauren here. Did you finish your holiday gift knitting? You’ll be happy to hear that I did, and even got it mailed in time to make it to my home state for Christmas! My Gift Sweater KAL recipient may have been spoiled by some photos I posted on our…


Comings and Goings

I’m writing this in the midst of our very first “AHD Summit”, which is our fancy way of saying that this usually bi-coastal company is working together for a whole week. It’s been pretty glorious, I gotta say! And in between working like crazy on lots of sweater-related goodness, the…


The Gift Sweater KAL

Today, a new phase of our “Year of Sweaters” opens: Holiday season is here, and for many of us gift-knitting season is as also upon us. So for this part of our “Year of Sweaters KAL”, we wanted to take a close look at, and celebrate, sweaters as gifts. Almost…


Fall Festival KAL: We’re Almost There!

It’s been nearly three months since we launched our Fall Festival Knitalong! And we’ve knit many sweaters in the meantime. We’re excited to see yours, and draw for a few fun prizes, after the KAL ends on Saturday! Jackie’s been busy growing a human, and that means worn-open cardigans are…


make, wear, love retreat: west coast edition

Of all the things I love about my job (and there are many many things I love about my job), our annual retreats have to be right up at the top of the list. They’re an oasis in time, not only for the attendees, but for us as well. Because…


Three yarns, three women, three sweaters.

Vogue Knitting Live was, of course, bundles of fun – even if I did spend every non-class moment curled up with some Sudafed. Teaching is one of my most favorite of things, and it’s always wonderful to see fellow teachers and exhibitors at these large events. I returned home to…



Rhinebeck was, naturally, glorious. The trees were beautiful, our CustomFit meet-ups were super fun, I signed some books (which still gives me a thrill), and I spent some fantastic down time with dearly-missed friends. …And since karmic balance is a real thing, I came home with one of the worst…
