
I’m sure there will be other posts soon, containing details, and logistics, and excitement about my spring class line-up… But for now, I’m emerging from a flurry of deadlines and planning to take the weekend (when I’m not in class) to cast on for something new for myself. A “comfort…


I’ll be back soon!

Things are such a flurry of deadlines around here (both for knitting and in my day job) that none of the posts I’ve been meaning to write are on “paper” yet. But I’ll be back soon! And there are still a couple of spaces left in Sunday’s class, if anyone…


Late-breaking weekend news: Feb 6 class!

Thanks so much for all the Shoshana love, folks! And for those who asked, the seedlings in the post before that are an Aerogarden. We love ours–it keeps us in herbs all winter while our 3-season porch is an icicle. I seem to have enough interest in a class on…


Re-entry is hard!

Fortunately, giving away sock yarn is not. Thanks to my favorite random number generator, Blogless Rachel won the contest with her comment: I tried to knit some heavy socks to walk around the house in. It was my intention to felt them so they would be thick and sturdy. So…


Design Processes

Well, it had to happen eventually. Everyone’s design process is different, and here’s mine: I get the idea. I sketch. I swatch copiously. I write the pattern, and print it out. I knit the sample from the pattern, essentially test-knitting that size and working out any language kinks. Then I…


Farewell, 2010.

I know that for many of my loved ones, 2010 was a difficult year. But while we certainly had tough parts, on the whole it treated me very well. My knitting life certainly flourished in 2010: (From the top: Shoshana Set, to be released soon; Two projects you’ll see next…


Snapshots of a staycation

I love big vacations, I really do. Traveling to new places, listening to new sounds, seeing new sights. Luxuriating in extravagances we don’t have the ability to work into our daily life (like having someone clean up after us!). But this year, spending a couple of restful weeks at home…


Rhinebeck, how I love thee.

Weekend-long festivals defy description. Words can never capture how refreshing and rejuvenating a weekend of simply immersing oneself in fiber and fiber-lovers is. Worse, I didn’t take a single picture this year that I could share with you instead. I did wear Ayana on Saturday, and a new cardigan I’m…
